Downhill Fast
Downhill Fast
Season 8 Ep 13: IKEA adventures, movie marathons, and memorizing baby books
This weeks episode kicks off with Tamara's adventure at IKEA. She was very happy to buy some new lights, but things got off track and she ended up having a few more things jump into her cart. She is still very happy with all of her purchases. Rheannon is concerned about Tamara's choice of movies for a movie marathon. Tamara struggles to talk Rheannon into her television recommendation. Reading books to a baby can be challenging when they want to turn the pages at her own speed. The trick is to simply memorize the book to read the page whether Rheannon can see it or not. Rheannon is very excited for her next baking adventure. Baking birthday cakes and raising the bar every year. The baby gate is creating the perfect storm. Animals trying to jump the baby gate while not being able to see over the gate. Will a dog jump on a cat or a baby, it is anyone's guess. It just might go downhill fast will a small collision.