Downhill Fast
Downhill Fast
Season 7 Ep.29 Workout Challenge Results, Fortune Feimster, RIP Mic Stand
This episode kicks off with Tamara being late for video games and Rheannon’s spooky lighting. Workout challenge has officially wrapped with Tamara losing. She is making plans to break the Diet Coke fast next week, and Tamara could not be more excited. Rheannon has some critique for Tamara’s mic stand. Even with her Dad’s help the mic stand is still very unstable. Rheannon has a lot of suggestions on how to fix it, and Tamara is not having any of it! Rheannon had an awesome date night going out to dinner and then saw Fortune Feimster live. Rheannon’s daughter now has a emotional support pumpkin, and there is nothing cuter than a baby and a tiny plastic pumpkin. A pumpkin actively rolling away from a baby, what else could go downhill faster!