Downhill Fast
This is a podcast of two friends telling stories that just might go downhill fast.
Downhill Fast
Season 7 Ep.11 Producers, Elusive Picasos, Bougie Blue Lagoons
Rheannon & Tamara
Season 7
Episode 11
This episode kicks off the new producer having notes. Equipment is being upgraded and it all working towards getting towards perfection. Tamara has been working way too much and is confused how people can put in 80 hour work weeks on the regular. Don't worry Tamara has one eye on her trip this summer to Europe. Weighing options for cruises and visiting Iceland makes the long days and long work weeks a little easier. Rheannon got in her last fishing trip before the baby comes. Two fish were caught and released, so the fishing season has begun. Tamara has a couple tv show recommendations for Rheannon, and one is a musical. It could go really well, or it just might go downhill fast.