Downhill Fast
Downhill Fast
Season 7 Ep 2: A very good helper and a resident raccoon
Tamara did yoga to try and relax after four days in a row of playing the cello. She is tired and sore, but her posture is getting better. Rheannon is tired from laying floor and ended up missing a day of yoga. Tamara has been working maybe a little too hard. She is sending emails late and is trying to be a very good co-worker and helper. Rheannon's phone seems to think that she lives in Portland. Although, Tamara is loving all the restaurant recommendation. Tamara had a really fun weekend with her fam including a walk enjoying the sunshine and dinner out. The family weekend continued with Tamara picking some not so great movie recommendations. John continues to try and make better decisions, but mostly chooses chaos. Although he is looking very buff these days. Rheannon continues to struggle with the raccoon that has taken up residency in her yard. Let's just say it goes downhill fast.