Downhill Fast
Downhill Fast
Season 6 Ep 32: Bolt Riddles and the struggle with passport photos
This week's episode kicks off with Rheannon trying to help solve an emoji riddle. Tamara is still confused at the end of it, but she did her best to respond on the dating app accordingly. Rheannon has had a hard week of sleeping while everyone adjusts to John having his dog bed switched to the floor. The saga of the mugs has finally come to a close. Tamara feels very accomplished finally delivering the mugs, even if the parking lot exchange was just as awkward as everyone thought it would be. Tamara has finished her Christmas shopping and finished 90% of it in one day. Rheannon is beside herself when someone finally agrees with her that a tape is too hipster. The decision not to smile in her passport photos, might have made Rheannon look like a college football player from THE Ohio State. Let's just say this episode goes downhill fast.