Downhill Fast
Downhill Fast
Season 6 Ep 15: pretty cats are blankets that purr
Rheannon is very upset with her dog. John has decided that when there is thunder the only person that he wants to be around is Theresa. Even if she is making fun of him, John still only wants to be around her. It was an eventful weekend when one of the toilets stopped working. After a lot of googling, renting equipment, and trying everything it took a plumber to fix. Tamara perhaps has been watching a little too much criminal minds, and was very startled when a closed door opened on its own. Turns out one of the dogs learned to open doors by jumping and pulling on the lever. Rheannon shares that the cats are asking for food a lot more often when Tamara isn't in town. Turns out Tamara spoils the cats with a little extra food. Tamara wants more chickens, so she can name one. Turns out googling with Alexa is more difficult than it sounds. Much like this episode it goes downhill fast.